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Monday, 22 August 2011

Posted by blcitours at 12:31 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 22 August 2011 12:33 AM EDT

Fall Haiku

Aug. 21, 2011

Aaron A. Lehman


Orb Weaver spreads cloak

Entangles berry pickers

Tentacles ensnare


Old growth rotting stumps

Gray lichen covered branches

Green Labrador tea


Berries blue and red

Interspersed within lichens

Hope amid despair


Old growth Jack Pines black

No blue and red berries now

Future life unfolds


From ashes we rise

Like berries from black pine ghosts

Tomorrow’s fresh fruit

Posted by blcitours at 12:21 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 22 August 2011 12:30 AM EDT
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Aaron A. Lehman Author of the Dog Island Trilogy

Posted by blcitours at 11:39 PM EDT
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Mystery on Dog Island

Posted by blcitours at 12:13 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 14 July 2011 12:15 AM EDT
Chapter1 Sample

Chapter 1

            Grease!  Raymond had grease everywhere.   He had smears of the slippery, gooey stuff on his hands and face and stuck in his long, black hair.   Grease decorated  the walls, dripped from the ceiling and a black slime oozed from cracks in the floor of the old, two car garage, revealing a history of wrecked cars waiting for repairs.  Even the cracked windows on the big overhead door, that drooped on one side, had grease spots.  The smell of exhaust filled the air.

            Mom’s not going to be happy about the grease on my pants, Raymond thought.  Why should I care?  Good mechanics just get greasy and I love it.

Posted by blcitours at 12:02 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 14 July 2011 12:07 AM EDT
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Teacher's Guide offer

New Offer for Teachers!

By Author

 Aaron A. Lehman

Purchase a set of the Mystery series books and get a Free Teacher’s Guide!

Get a package valued at $60.00 for $40.00

Mystery on Dog Island matches the Alberta Curriculum for Grade 5 Social Studies and Grade 6 English.  The Teacher’s Guide gives specific lesson plans with activities that match the curriculum objectives.  The Teacher’s Guide can be used with all three of the books in the Mystery series and can be adapted to any course and grade level that requires content with an Aboriginal perspective.

Mystery on Dog Island

Return to Dog Island

North of Dog Island     www.blcitours.com

Posted by blcitours at 7:00 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 July 2011 7:01 PM EDT
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Teacher's Guide

Teacher's Guide


Mystery on Dog Island


Aaron A. Lehman

The Mystery Series is coordinated with the Alberta Grade Five Curriculum

Contact me if you are interested in a copy and wish to write a review.


Posted by blcitours at 12:08 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 30 June 2011 12:30 PM EDT
Sample: p.11 from the Teacher's Guide

2A- Chapter 1 and 2 and others, give several opportunities for students to value diversity (1A) and traditions and become conscious of the limits of the natural environment, understanding the principles of sustainability.

            Activity 2A1:  Have students research and prepare a report comparing traditional trapping methods with current methods.  Class discussion.

            Activity 2A2:  Invite a local trapper to class to explain the current methods of trapping and the laws and practices that ensure sustainability of the resource.   If there is a student or their family who has a trap line, have them give a personal report to the class.

            Activity 2A3:  After reading chapter one and 2, discuss how Marg and Raymond’s Grandfather were connected to the land by way of their lifestyle and culture.


3A- Mystery on Dog Island provides many opportunities for students to study the unique nature of Canada, its history, complexity and current issues related to Aboriginal traditions, values, attitudes, contributions and current challenges.

            Activity 3A1:  Assign different groups of students to research and prepare presentations on various aspects of local history.

Example for Slave Lake:

·        Explore the history of Slave Lake prior to the White explorers. 

·        The Slave Lake area is rich in history of places that were visited by early explorers such as David Thompson.  There is a lady in Slave Lake who is related to David Thompson.   Invite her for an interview.

Posted by blcitours at 12:07 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 30 June 2011 12:30 PM EDT
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Red Earth Presentation June 14, 2011

Posted by blcitours at 11:09 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 11:11 PM EDT
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Haiku Slave Lake (2)

Haiku Slave Lake (2)

Copyright May 28, 2011

Aaron A. Lehman

Coming home Yahoo

Maybe not what’s there to find

Town is burned out yuk


Acrid smoke stink rot

Be aware bears may be there

Wildlife lost home too


How can I help you

Freezer in basement food spoiled

Strong muscles up stairs


Burned trees gnarled in wind

Buds replaced drops of black char

Pale green hint of life


Moaning throat tightens

Choke back tears for what was lost

Hug from friend see smile


Crying for dog cat

Will they know we still love them

Burst of fur jumps licks


Power gas water

Technician restores service

Done done and done thanks


Stop by for coffee

Tell your story heal the pain

Step up help neighbour 

Posted by blcitours at 11:32 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 28 May 2011 11:38 PM EDT

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