The Mysterious Dog Island |
The story involves Raymond, an Aboriginal boy, torn between two cultures, humorous anecdotes from a blended white and Aboriginal
family situation, a snowmobile camping trip that ends in a serious crash, winter survival, and a mysterious dog sled ride
with a team of phantom huskies.
Sample of Writing
Now, hurtling completely out of control, the snowmobile hit a second, gigantic, ice ridge with a loud, shattering
explosion, sending pieces of ice and machine in every direction, while catapulting its riders through the air like rag dolls
in a tornado.
About the Author
Aaron Lehman, retired from teaching thirty years in Slave Lake, Alberta, Canada, is still involved in education
as a leader and guide for local field trips and interpretive tours. His hobbies involve birding, hiking, cross-country skiing
and writing about natural and human history of the Slave Lake area. As a teacher of Biology and Environmental Science, Aaron
conducted many field excursions with students, including winter trips. This experience, as well as his experience with Aboriginal
students, provided the background for this book. Advice and encouragement from former students and colleagues was greatly
appreciated. Aaron and Winifred have three adult children and five grandchildren.
Release and signing was
at CJ Schurter Park, Slave Lake,
after the parade on July 1st, 2005.
Look for other sales and signings.
For more info. call 780-849-3574
For sales from this web page use this link and search for Mystery On Dog Island.